Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Little Bit About Me - What I Will Overcome

I would like to introduce myself as a Mom, Wife and Professional.  Like most people, I stay busy with taking care of my family, my home, and juggling a career.  Most of the time, it all seems to be in sync.  Sounds great right?  Well, sure, I devote much of my time and energy into almost everything around me.  Everything evolving like a perfectly balanced ecosystem.  However... there is one thing I just cannot seem to get to align properly into that ecosystem - my weight.    

I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can imagine.  Many people in my family are rather plus sized. I seemingly do all the things that I am supposed to do like  packing my meals for lunch every day at work, I don't drink soda, I try to avoid fried foods, I eat veggies, plus I work out!  However, I do not see the results that I desire or that I know I am capable of achieving.  You are probably thinking, wait a minute, well what is the problem?  It certainly is not a chemical imbalance - I've already checked into that. Sure, many of the people in my family are on the heavier side, however, that does not mean I have to settle for that and accept my current situation.  I look at other's transformations, people that lose 15, 20, 30 and 50 lbs.  I think to myself, "what am I not doing right?"  I seem to be doing all the right things.  However, I take a moment to reflect and can only wonder, "Am I really?"

Well, I am about to embark on a fitness journey which I will openly document my results, tweak things that I think I am doing right, and put aside the self doubt.  I have to be true to myself in order to see REAL Change in the direction I want.  I will change my mindset and adapt an "I Can Do This" attitude!  I will track my progress over 30 Day Increments.  Every small step will be a VICTORY!